Do You Get A Matric Certificate If You Fail?

Not passing Matric can feel like a major roadblock, but there are alternative qualifications that can provide a pathway to further education and employment.

When it comes to completing your Matric, the outcome Is not always as expected, and you might find yourself questioning, “Do I get a Matric Certificate if I fail?” The answer to this question is nuanced and depends on various factors, including the level of your results and the specific requirements of the Matric certificate

What Happens If You Fail Matric?

Failing Matric can feel like a major setback, but it is important to remember that it is not the end of the road. There are numerous paths you can take to recover and still achieve your educational and career goals. 

Do You Get A Matric Certificate If You Fail?

Receiving a Matric Certificate is a significant milestone in a student’s life, often seen as a passport to further education and employment opportunities. However, what happens if you fail? Do you still receive a certificate, and if so, what does it signify? 

  • Even if you fail, you will receive a statement of results.
  • This document is crucial for applying for a rewrite or upgrade.
  • Understanding your results helps in making informed decisions about your next steps.
  • There are various options available to improve your results and continue your education.

Types of Certificates Awarded

The Department of Basic Education in South Africa awards various types of certificates based on your Matric results. Understanding the different types of certificates and what they signify is crucial in planning your next steps. 

  • The Department of Basic Education awards the National Senior Certificate to those who pass Matric.
  • There are different types of passes, each with its certificate.
  • Understanding the type of certificate you receive is crucial for your plans.
  • Even if you fail, there are ways to improve your results and receive a certificate.

How a Fail Affects Your Certificate

Failing Matric can have a significant impact on the type of certificate you receive, and it is important to understand these implications. A failure can limit your immediate options for further education and employment, but it is not the end of the road. 

  • A fail affects the type of certificate you receive and your immediate options.
  • It is vital to understand that this is not the end of your educational journey.
  • There are ways to recover and improve your results.

Understanding The Matric Results

Matric results are a significant milestone in a South African student’s life, often dictating the immediate future of their educational and career pursuits. Understanding what your results mean is crucial in making informed decisions about your next steps. Here is what the different results look like:

  • Bachelor’s Pass: This is the highest level of Matric pass, allowing entry into degree programs at universities. To achieve this, you need at least 40% in your Home Language, at least 50% in four other subjects, and at least 30% in two other subjects.
  • Diploma Pass: This qualifies you for diploma and certificate courses at universities of technology. The requirements include at least 40% in your Home Language, at least 40% in three other subjects, and at least 30% in two other subjects.
  • Higher Certificate Pass: This is the minimum passing level, allowing entry into certificate courses. The requirements are at least 40% in your Home Language and at least 40% in two other subjects, with a minimum of 30% in three other subjects.
  • Fail: If you do not meet the above criteria, you will not pass Matric. However, this does not mean you cannot continue your education or improve your results.

What Does A Fail Mean On Your Record?

Failing Matric is a situation that many students find themselves in, and it is important to understand what this means for your academic record. A failure in Matric can be a major setback, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. 

  • A fail means you did not meet the minimum requirements for a Matric pass.
  • This can limit your immediate options for further education and employment.
  • It is crucial to understand that there are ways to recover and improve your results.
  • Seeking support and exploring alternative education options are vital steps in this process.

Is There A Matric Equivalent Certificate?

Not passing Matric can feel like a major roadblock, but there are alternative qualifications that can provide a pathway to further education and employment. Equivalent certificates offer a viable option for those who do not achieve a Matric pass, and understanding these alternatives is crucial in planning your next steps. 

  • Equivalent certificates provide alternative pathways to further education and employment.
  • They are recognized by many institutions and employers.
  • Understanding these alternatives is crucial for planning your next steps.
  • There are various options available, and with the right information, you can make informed decisions about your future.

Overview of Equivalent Certificates

Equivalent certificates provide an alternative route to further education and employment for those who do not achieve a Matric pass. Understanding the different types of equivalent certificates and their implications is crucial in making informed decisions about your future. 

  • Equivalent certificates focus on vocational and skills-based training.
  • They are designed to provide practical knowledge and skills.
  • Understanding the different types of equivalent certificates is crucial.
  • These certificates open up various opportunities for further education and employment.

Acceptance of Equivalent Certificates in Different Sectors

Equivalent certificates are recognized by many institutions and employers as an alternative to a Matric Certificate, but their acceptance varies across different sectors. Understanding where and how these certificates are accepted is crucial in planning your next steps.

  • The acceptance of equivalent certificates varies across different sectors.
  • It is important to research and ensure they are recognized by the institutions or employers you are interested in.
  • These certificates can provide a valuable alternative to a Matric Certificate.
  • With the right information, you can navigate your options and make informed decisions.

Is There A Matric Equivalent Certificate That Is Accepted By All Universities?

Gaining admission to a university is a common goal for many students, but not having a Matric Certificate can make this challenging. However, there are equivalent certificates that some universities accept as an alternative. 

  • Gaining admission to a university without a Matric Certificate can be challenging.
  • Equivalent certificates can provide an alternative pathway.
  • It is crucial to check the admission requirements of the specific university and course.
  • Validating your equivalent certificate is a vital step in this process.

University Admission Requirements

Gaining admission to a university is a significant step in one’s educational journey, and understanding the admission requirements is crucial. For students with equivalent certificates, this process can be more complex, and it is important to be well-informed. 

  • Each university has its admission requirements.
  • Understanding these requirements is crucial for planning your educational path.
  • There are steps you can take to ensure your equivalent certificate is accepted.
  • Seeking advice and preparing thoroughly are key to a successful application.

How to Validate Your Equivalent Certificate for University Admission

Validating your equivalent certificate for university admission is a crucial step in ensuring that your qualifications are recognized. Understanding how to navigate this process is key to achieving your educational goals. 

  • Validating your equivalent certificate is crucial for university admission.
  • Understanding the validation process and required documentation is key.
  • There are potential challenges, but with the right preparation, you can overcome them.
  • Seeking support and ensuring you have all the necessary information are vital steps in this process.

What Are Your Options After Failing Matric?

Failing Matric can feel like a major setback, but it is crucial to remember that it is not the end of your educational or career journey. There are numerous paths you can take to recover and still achieve your goals. In this section, we will explore the various options available to you, including immediate steps to take, long-term strategies for recovery, alternative university admission routes, and different career options.

What Are My Options If I Fail Matric?

Discovering that you’ve failed Matric can be overwhelming, but it is important to know that there are several options available to help you move forward. This subsection will delve into the immediate steps you can take to address your situation, as well as long-term strategies to help you recover and achieve your goals. From considering a Matric rewrite to exploring vocational training and alternative education paths, we’ve got you covered.

  • Immediate Steps to Take: Understand your results, consider a Matric rewrite or upgrade, explore alternative education options, and seek support from family, friends, and educational advisors.
  • Long-Term Strategies for Recovery: Set clear goals, create a plan of action, stay motivated, build a support network, and consider alternative career paths.

What Are Some Alternative Career Options If I Fail Matric?

A Matric certificate is not the only pathway to a successful career. There are numerous alternative career options available that do not require a Matric certificate. This subsection will discuss vocational training, apprenticeships, entrepreneurship, and self-employment opportunities, guiding how to leverage your strengths and interests into a successful career.

  • Vocational Training and Apprenticeships: Discover various vocational training programs and apprenticeship opportunities, and learn how to apply and make the most of these experiences.
  • Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment Opportunities: Explore the potential of starting your own business, understand the skills  required for entrepreneurship, and access resources to support your journey.

How Can You Upgrade Or Rewrite Your Matric?

Upgrading or rewriting your Matric can be a strategic move to improve your results and open up more opportunities for further education and employment.

What Are The Requirements For Matric Upgrade?

Deciding to upgrade your Matric is a commendable step towards improving your academic record. This subsection will outline the eligibility criteria, necessary documentation, and other requirements needed to embark on this journey. Our goal is to ensure you are well-prepared and know exactly what to expect.

  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for a Matric upgrade, you must have already completed your Matric exams. This option is typically available to individuals who have passed Matric but wish to improve their marks to qualify for specific university courses or career paths. It is important to check with the specific institution offering the upgrade program for any additional eligibility criteria.
  • Necessary Documentation: You will need to provide a certified copy of your Matric certificate, a copy of your ID, and possibly your most recent school report. Some institutions might require additional documents, so it is crucial to inquire ahead of time and prepare all necessary paperwork.

What Are The Requirements For Matric Rewrite?

A Matric rewrite can offer you a second chance to improve your scores and meet university admission requirements. In this subsection, we will discuss the conditions for rewriting, the application process, and how to prepare effectively. We aim to provide you with a clear roadmap to successfully rewrite your Matric.

  • Conditions for Rewriting: To qualify for a Matric rewrite, you must have written the Matric exams in the previous year and either failed or wish to improve your marks. There are usually specific subjects that are eligible for a rewrite, and you might be limited in the number of subjects you can rewrite.
  • Application Process: The application process for a Matric rewrite typically involves filling out a form, submitting it to the Department of Education or relevant institution, and paying any required fees. Ensure you are aware of application deadlines to avoid missing out.

How Much Does It Cost To Upgrade Or Rewrite Matric?

Understanding the financial aspect of upgrading or rewriting your Matric is crucial. This subsection will provide information on the fee structure, potential additional costs, and options for financial aid or scholarships. Our goal is to help you plan and budget for this important investment in your future.

  • Fee Structure: The cost of upgrading or rewriting Matric can vary depending on the institution and the number of subjects you choose to upgrade or rewrite. It is important to inquire about all possible costs, including registration fees, exam fees, and material costs, to budget accordingly.
  • Financial Aid and Scholarships: There are various financial aid options and scholarships available to assist with the costs of upgrading or rewriting Matric. These can come from government grants, private-sector scholarships, or bursaries from educational institutions.

Where Can I Upgrade Or Rewrite My Matric?

Choosing the right institution for your Matric upgrade or rewrite is a vital step in this process. This subsection will introduce you to accredited institutions and online platforms that offer these programs. We aim to provide you with a variety of options to suit your needs and preferences.

  • Accredited Institutions: Ensure that the institution you choose for your Matric upgrade or rewrite is accredited and recognized by the Department of Education. This guarantees that your efforts and financial investment are valid and recognized.
  • Online Platforms: There are online platforms available that offer Matric upgrade and rewrite programs, providing flexibility for those who might not be able to attend in-person classes. Ensure that these platforms are accredited and offer support and resources to help you succeed.

How Long Does It Take To Upgrade Or Rewrite Matric?

Time management is key when upgrading or rewriting your Matric. In this subsection, we will discuss the duration of these programs and share strategies to help you manage your time effectively. Our goal is to ensure you are well-prepared and can balance your studies with other commitments.

  • Duration of Programs: The duration of Matric upgrade or rewrite programs can vary, typically ranging from a few months to a year. It is important to check the duration of the specific program you are interested in and plan your schedule accordingly.
  • Time Management Strategies: Balancing your studies with other commitments requires effective time management. Create a study schedule, set realistic goals, and allocate specific times for studying to ensure you stay on track and make the most of your upgrade or rewrite program.

How Can You Ensure Success in Matric Upgrade or Rewrite?

Embarking on a journey to upgrade or rewrite your Matric is a commendable decision that requires dedication, strategic planning, and a positive mindset.

What Are The Chances Of Success In Matric Upgrade Or Rewrite?

Understanding the likelihood of success in a Matric upgrade or rewrite program can help set realistic expectations and motivate you to put in the necessary effort. This subsection will delve into statistical success rates and discuss the various factors that can influence your success.

  • Statistical Success Rates: Look at the historical success rates of students who have undertaken Matric upgrade or rewrite programs to get an idea of what to expect.
  • Factors Influencing Success: Understand the various factors that can influence your success, including your level of preparation, the quality of the program, and your commitment.

Is It Worth Upgrading Or Rewriting Your Matric?

Deciding whether to upgrade or rewrite your Matric is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of the pros and cons.

  • Pros and Cons: Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of upgrading or rewriting your Matric, considering factors such as time, cost, and potential outcomes.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Understand the potential long-term benefits of improving your Matric results, including increased access to educational opportunities and better career prospects.

What Are Some Tips For Upgrading Or Rewriting Matric?

Successfully upgrading or rewriting your Matric requires effective study strategies and good time management.

  • Study Strategies: Learn effective study strategies that can help you prepare thoroughly and increase your chances of success.
  • Time Management: Discover time management tips to help you balance your studies with other commitments and make the most of your preparation time.

How Can I Create A Study Plan For Upgrading Or Rewriting Matric?

A well-structured study plan is crucial for success in upgrading or rewriting your Matric.

  • Setting Realistic Goals: Understand the importance of setting achievable goals and learn how to create realistic objectives for your Matric upgrade or rewrite program.
  • Balancing Study and Personal Life: Discover strategies to balance your study time with your personal life, ensuring you stay motivated and avoid burnout.

What Are The Best Study Tips For Upgrading Or Rewriting Matric?

Maximizing your chances of success in upgrading or rewriting Matric requires utilizing effective learning techniques and accessing available resources and support.

  • Effective Learning Techniques: Explore a variety of learning techniques that can enhance your understanding and retention of information.
  • Utilizing Resources and Support: Learn about the different resources and support services available to students upgrading or rewriting Matric, and understand how to make the most of them.

How Can You Overcome Challenges and Stay Motivated?

Embarking on a journey to upgrade or rewrite your Matric is no small feat, and it comes with its own set of challenges and emotional hurdles.

What Are The Challenges Of Upgrading Or Rewriting Matric?

Facing the challenges of upgrading or rewriting Matric head-on is crucial for success. This subsection will discuss the emotional and psychological barriers, as well as the external pressures and expectations that you might encounter.

Emotional and Psychological Barriers

Upgrading or rewriting Matric can be a stressful time, filled with anxiety and self-doubt. It is common to feel overwhelmed, especially when you’re aiming for better results than before. To overcome these barriers, it is crucial to maintain a positive mindset, practice stress-reducing techniques, and remind yourself of your capabilities and the reasons why you decided to take this step. 

Remember, seeking professional help or talking to a trusted friend or family member can make a significant difference.

External Pressures and Expectations

Often, students face immense pressure from family, friends, and society to succeed. These external expectations can add  a layer of stress. It is important to set realistic and personal goals, communicate openly with your support network about your aspirations and challenges, and remember that this journey is about improving yourself, not just meeting others’ expectations.

How Can I Stay Motivated To Upgrade Or Rewrite My Matric?

Maintaining a high level of motivation is key to succeeding in your Matric upgrade or rewrite. This subsection will provide tips on finding your ‘why’ and building a support network to keep you motivated.

Finding Your ‘Why’

Identifying a clear and personal reason for upgrading or rewriting your Matric can be a powerful motivator. Whether it is to qualify for a specific course, improve job prospects, or simply to prove to yourself that you can do it, keeping this ‘why’ at the forefront of your mind can help keep you motivated. Create visual reminders of your goals, and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain momentum.

Building a Support Network

A strong support network is invaluable. Surrounding yourself with family, friends, and mentors who understand and support your goals can provide encouragement and motivation when times get tough. Do not be afraid to reach out and share your experiences and challenges; sometimes, just talking about what you are going through can be incredibly relieving.

What Are Some Tips For Overcoming The Disappointment Of Failing Matric?

Failing Matric can be a tough pill to swallow, but it is important to view it as a learning opportunity. This subsection will provide strategies for building resilience and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.

Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Failing Matric is undoubtedly disappointing, but it is necessary to remember that it is not the end of the road. Embrace this setback as an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger. Examine what went wrong, identify areas for improvement, and use this knowledge to better prepare for your upgrade or rewrite.

Strategies for Building Resilience

Building resilience is key to overcoming disappointment and bouncing back from failure. Practice positive thinking, set realistic expectations, and develop a growth mindset. Remember, resilience is not about avoiding failure but learning how to deal with it effectively and coming out stronger on the other side.

What Should Adult Learners and Working Individuals Consider?

Upgrading or rewriting Matric as an adult learner or a working individual comes with its unique set of challenges and considerations.

Can I Upgrade Or Rewrite My Matric If I Am Over 21?

Returning to education as an adult is a brave and significant decision, and it is crucial to understand the unique considerations and opportunities available to learners over 21.

Special Considerations for Adult Learners

Adult learners may face unique challenges, such as balancing family and work commitments, overcoming educational gaps, or dealing with age-related stereotypes. Understanding these considerations and preparing accordingly is key to success.

Success Stories of Adult Learners

Hearing about others who have successfully navigated this journey can be incredibly motivating. This subsection will share real-life success stories of adult learners who have upgraded or rewritten their Matric, providing insights and lessons learned.

Can I Upgrade Or Rewrite The Matric If I Am Working?

Balancing work commitments with the demands of upgrading or rewriting Matric is a common challenge for many learners.

Balancing Work and Study

Achieving a balance between work and study requires careful planning, time management, and clear communication with employers. This subsection will provide tips and strategies to help you navigate this balance.

Employer Support and Incentives

Some employers offer support and incentives for employees pursuing further education. Understanding what is available and how to access this support can be beneficial in your journey to upgrade or rewrite Matric.

Can I Upgrade Or Rewrite My Matric If I Live Outside Of South Africa?

For South Africans living abroad or individuals residing outside of South Africa, the option to upgrade or rewrite Matric may seem challenging, but it is indeed possible.

International Students And Expatriates

Understanding the specific considerations and requirements for international students and expatriates is crucial in successfully upgrading or rewriting Matric from abroad.

Online And Distance Learning Options

With advancements in technology, numerous online and distance learning platforms offer  Matric upgrade and rewrite programs, providing flexibility and accessibility for learners worldwide.

What Other Opportunities Exist for Self-Improvement After Failing Matric?

Taking steps towards self-improvement and personal development is crucial, especially when facing setbacks such as failing Matric.

Can I Get A Job Without Matric?

Navigating the job market without a Matric certificate can be challenging, but it is not impossible. This subsection aims to provide a realistic view of the job market, share tips and strategies for job searching without Matric, and highlight sectors and industries where Matric may not be a strict requirement. By understanding the landscape and knowing where to look, you can identify potential employment opportunities and position yourself effectively in the job market.

  • Job Market Realities: Gaining insight into the current job market and understanding the sectors that are more lenient on educational qualifications is crucial.
  • Tips for Job Searching Without Matric: Learn effective job searching strategies, resume building, and interview preparation to enhance your employability.

What Are Some Self-Improvement Courses I Can Do If I Fail Matric?

Investing in self-improvement through various courses and training programs is a valuable step towards enhancing your skills and increasing your employability.

  • Online Learning Platforms: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer a wide array of courses in various fields.
  • Short Courses and Workshops: Participating in short courses and workshops can provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in specific areas.

How Do You Choose Between Matric Upgrade and Rewrite?

Making an informed decision between upgrading your Matric results or rewriting the exams is a crucial step in your educational journey.

What Are The Differences Between Matric Upgrade And Matric Rewrite?

Understanding the fundamental differences between a Matric upgrade and a Matric rewrite is the first step in making an informed decision.

Definition and Purpose

A Matric upgrade is an opportunity to improve your existing Matric results, whether you want to boost your marks for university admission or meet specific job requirements. On the other hand, a Matric rewrite involves retaking the exams for subjects you previously failed, providing a second chance to pass and obtain your Matric certificate.

What Are The Pros Of Matric Upgrade And Matric Rewrite?

Delving deeper into the advantages and disadvantages of Matric upgrade and rewrite. By understanding the specific benefits and potential drawbacks of each option, you can make a choice that best suits your needs and plans.

Advantages of Matric Upgrade

Upgrading your Matric can lead to better opportunities in higher education and employment, enhancing your overall academic and professional profile. It is a flexible option that allows you to focus on specific subjects, making it a practical choice for those who are working or engaged in other commitments.

Advantages of Matric Rewrite

A Matric rewrite offers a comprehensive approach, providing a second chance to pass all the subjects and obtain a Matric certificate. It can be a transformative experience, allowing you to fully prepare and perform to the best of your abilities.

How Can You Prepare for Exams and Manage Stress?

Preparing for exams, especially when you are upgrading or rewriting your Matric, requires strategic planning, effective study techniques, and stress management skills.

How Can I Prepare For My Matric Upgrade Or Rewrite Exams?

Effective preparation is key to performing well in your Matric upgrade or rewrite exams. This subsection will provide you with practical tips on creating study schedules, adopting revision techniques, and ensuring that you are well-prepared for the exams.

Study Schedules and Timelines

Creating a study schedule is a proactive way to ensure that you cover all necessary material before the exams. Break down your study material into manageable sections and allocate specific time slots for each subject. Make sure to start early and pace yourself to avoid last-minute cramming. Utilize tools like calendars or study apps to keep track of your progress and stay organized.

Effective Revision Techniques

Employ a variety of revision techniques to cater to different learning styles. Practice exams can help familiarize you with the format of the questions and highlight areas that need more attention. Flashcards are great for memorizing key terms and concepts while summarizing notes can aid in consolidating your understanding of the material. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

What Are Some Tips For Staying Focused And Motivated During Matric Upgrade Or Rewrite Exams?

Staying focused and motivated throughout the exam preparation period is essential for success.

Goal Setting and Rewards

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can provide direction and motivation throughout your exam preparation. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks and celebrate your achievements along the way. Establishing a reward system can provide additional motivation and help maintain your focus.

Avoiding Burnout

Recognizing the signs of burnout is crucial in maintaining long-term motivation and focus. Ensure you are taking regular breaks, staying socially connected, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Prioritize self-care and seek support if you are feeling overwhelmed.

What Should I Do If I Fail My Matric Upgrade Or Rewrite Exams?

Facing failure in your Matric upgrade or rewrite exams can be disheartening, but it is important to stay positive and plan your next steps.

Analysing What Went Wrong

Take a step back and objectively assess your exam performance. Identify specific areas where you struggled and seek constructive feedback from teachers or mentors. Understanding what went wrong is the first step in developing a plan to improve and succeed in the future.

Planning Your Next Steps

After reflecting on your performance, consider your available options and decide on the best course of action. This could involve reattempting the upgrade or rewrite, exploring alternative education paths, or seeking employment opportunities. Develop a clear and actionable plan to move forward.

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide, remember that the journey of upgrading or rewriting your Matric is a stepping stone towards a brighter future. Embrace the challenges, learn from past mistakes, and utilize the wealth of resources and support available to you. Your determination and hard work will pay off, paving the way for endless possibilities and success. So, take a deep breath, stay focused, and embark on this journey with confidence and resilience. The future is yours for the taking, and every effort you put in brings you one step closer to achieving your dreams.

People Also Asked

Is It Possible To Get A Good Job Without A Matric Certificate?

Yes, it is possible to secure a good job without a Matric certificate, though it might require a bit more effort and creativity. Many employers value practical experience, skills, and a strong work ethic, which can sometimes outweigh formal qualifications. Exploring industries such as sales, entrepreneurship, or certain trades can open up opportunities. Additionally, considering internships or entry-level positions can provide a foot in the door, allowing you to prove your capabilities and work your way up.

How Does Failing Matric Affect My Future?

Failing Matric can be a setback, but it does not determine your future success. It might limit your immediate options for tertiary education or certain career paths, but there are numerous ways to recover and still achieve your goals. Upgrading your Matric results, pursuing vocational training, or gaining work experience are all viable paths forward. The key is to stay motivated, explore all available options, and remain open to alternative routes to success.

Can I Upgrade My Matric Results After Several Years?

Yes, you can upgrade your Matric results even after several years have passed. Many institutions offer programs for adults looking to improve their Matric scores. It is never too late to invest in your education and open up new opportunities for yourself. However, it is important to research and choose a reputable institution that offers the support and resources you need to succeed.

What Is The Success Rate Of Students Who Rewrite Matric?

The success rate of students rewriting Matric varies widely and depends on numerous factors including the level of preparation, the resources available, and the individual’s determination. With the right support and a solid study plan, many students can improve their scores significantly. It is crucial to approach the rewrite with a positive mindset and a clear strategy to maximize your chances of success.

Are There Any Age Restrictions For Rewriting Or Upgrading Matric?

Generally, there are no strict age restrictions for rewriting or upgrading Matric. Education is a lifelong journey, and many institutions welcome older students looking to improve their qualifications. However, specific programs may have their eligibility criteria, so it is important to check the requirements of the institution you are interested in attending.

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