Below is a list of programmes we offer. Use the filter to quickly find what it is that you would like to study. No matter what you choose, you can be sure that your choice in studies will add real world value to your career.
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ICB Financial Accounting
Learn the core skills needed to start and grow your career in Accounting, from basic bookkeeping to management accounting.…

ICB Business Management
This course provides you with a broad set of skills which will allow gives you a wide range of…

ICB Entrepreneurship Courses
Starting a business can be daunting, but it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. Learn how to manage…

ICB Public Sector Accounting
Our Public Sector Accounting programme gives you an opportunity to start an accounting career in a government organisation. Study…

ICB Office Administration
This course offers a broad knowledge base by teaching accounting, secretarial and management skills. Making sure things run smoothly…

CIMA Accounting Courses
The CIMA programme is aimed at teaching strategic accounting. You can study this course, whether you're new to finance…
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